12 Energy Saving Tips when using your Air Conditioner

September 12, 2022
Woman on couch in living room

Received a high energy bill lately? We have some tips to help you save money whilst keeping cool this Summer!

Receiving those higher energy bills at the end of the quarter can come as a shock, and even cause a bit of stress. Being consciously aware of how to reduce your energy expenditure can help with reducing energy costs.
We’ve outlined 12 useful tips to help reduce those energy bills.

Ways to save energy this summer include:

  1. Colder isn’t always better –  for efficiency, set temperatures on your air conditioner between 24 and 25 degrees. Setting an air conditioner just one degree warmer than you normally would can cut cooling costs by 10 per cent.
  2. The dining room table doesn’t need to be cool, unless you’re in there of course – only cool the areas people are in by using zoned cooling. Ask us about our supply & install package deals for zoned ducted air conditioning units.
  3. Maintenance is key – Ensure air conditioners are maintained regularly by cleaning or replacing the filter, keeping outdoor equipment for the system free of dirt, leaves and other debris, and covering the external part of the system when not in use during cooler months.
    Airomania Air Conditioning offers a maintenance package to suit your unit and needs. Click here to inquire now.​
  4. Cover those windows – having curtains, blinds or shutters which fit well around your window can reduce that summer heat exchange by almost half. Blockout blinds on window-facing sides deflect sun heat, so if you’re planning on getting some new shades make sure you ask about heat reflecting window furnishings.
  5. Be prepared for the day ahead – lower blinds and close doors of rooms not in use to reduce heating inside for when you come home.
  6. Are you into gardening? Planting shade trees, wall vines and thick shrubs can help keep the walls of your house cool by up to 12 degrees
  7. Feel breezy – Instead of running your air conditioner, try open windows both sides of the house to allow cool breeze to flow through in the evening. (Thank you Sydney, for those southerly changes.)
  8. Fan yourself – using fans to cool down are a great way to reduce your energy bills. Put a fan on at night and turn off the air conditioner to help you get a good nights sleep.
  9. How big is your home? When buying a new air conditioner, consider the size of your home. A unit too small for the space will need to run constantly but one too big will run in short cycles, causing extra wear and tear. At Airomania Air Conditioning we ensure the size of your air conditioning unit will suit your home.
  10. Are you keeping the TV on for the pup? Turn off TV’s that produce heat when not in use. Some TV’s can create heat which may seem like your home is hotter than it really is, especially if it’s a smaller room.
  11. Insulate your ceilings to prevent that cooler air escaping – the better the insulation, the more likely cool air will stay where it’s needed
  12. Block those drafts – close doors to rooms not being used, or consider blocking off air vents that may be pointing towards furniture which is obstructing air flow. This will further ensure refrigerated air stays inside to cool your home efficiently.*

Why choose Airomania
We have more than 15 years of experience in the HVAC space

We pride ourselves on our commitment to meeting our customers needs within their budget

We are qualified, professional, friendly and ready to advise on and install the perfect air conditioning system for your home or business